Building Futures: Local Students Explore Carpentry Careers at Southwest Carpenters Union Buena Park Training Center


In a series of enriching visits, high school students gain hands-on experience and learn about opportunities in the construction industry.

In February 2024, students from the Huntington Beach Union High School District and Downey Unified School District embarked on a series of educational visits to the Southwest Carpenters Union Buena Park Training Center. These included groups from Westminster High School, Ocean View High School, and Warren High School, each group led by their respective instructors—Greg Berger, Stephen Carbajal, and Jairo Salazar.

Michael Labruno, Outreach Specialist for the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters, expertly guided the students through the training center. He outlined the diverse opportunities that await them in the field of carpentry and engineering. Over the course of these visits, students engaged with advanced training facilities where apprentices perfect their craft from foundational techniques to cutting-edge construction technologies.

Students were exposed to the intricacies of the construction industry, learning about apprenticeship structures, the evolution of carpentry techniques, and the essential role skilled labor plays in infrastructure development. They also discovered various career opportunities within the industry, benefits of union membership, and pathways to stable, rewarding careers.

Reflecting on the experience, a student from one of the visiting schools commented, "Seeing all these career paths within the union has really opened my eyes to new possibilities."

Angela Allison, Chief Operating Officer of 2CPR Group, Inc., stressed the importance of such visits: "These trips are vital—they not only show students the practical and diverse possibilities within the construction industry but also spark an interest in careers they might not have previously considered. Our objective is to expand their perspectives, allowing them to see the array of options available and encourage them to pursue enriching career paths."

The Southwest Carpenters Union Training Fund, established in 1958, is committed to delivering top-tier education and training, preparing its members to meet industry demands and excel in their careers. Collaborating with local schools, the Fund not only enhances the educational experience of students but also strengthens the future workforce.

The February tours offered the students from Westminster, Ocean View, and Warren High Schools a valuable glimpse into potential career paths in construction and carpentry, engaging them directly with the training processes and outlining the benefits and job prospects available in this dynamic field.

For more information about the Southwest Carpenters Union Buena Park Training Center and the opportunities it offers, visit their website at


About Certification and Career Pathways Readiness Group (2CPR Group):

2CPR Group specializes in bridging the gap between education and industry, emphasizing business development facilitation. Our expertise spans career pathway project development, audit preparation for federal, state, and district programs, certification solution design, grant writing and execution, as well as CTE and academic professional development. Highly skilled in industry outreach, we organize field trips, industry advisory boards, site visits, tours, and more to further build connections between industry and education.

At 2CPR Group, we are committed to fostering mutually advantageous relationships that drive growth and success for both education and industry partners. If you are interested in our services, please contact us.


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